More and more business professionals and entrepreneurs are creating accounts on Linked In every day, and the first image presented on your page is...your head shot. In a place where one should "put their best face forward", a quick perusal of my hundreds of connections inform me that this is most often not the case. Approximately 1.5 out of every 10 people have a professional photo. I read this as image conscious. I read this as professional. I read this as organized.
But what about the others? Here is a quick rundown of some of the images I've seen today:
-Bathroom mirror beauty. Holding up a cell phone and snapping a photo. You are gorgeous, darling! But, I can tell from the background that you are quite disorganized.
-Family on vacation. Cute kids. But they won't make me hire you. But maybe, that little guy? Adorable! If I ever need a kid for stock images...
-Dude sucking in stomach on beach. Wow. It will be hard for me to go into your office and not recall your hairy chest.
- Bad lighting lady. If you are cutting corners on your image, what will you do to mine?
- Computer camera to his picture - Not a flattering angle - for anyone. Especially if you have nose hairs.
If one is searching for a professional, they want to see a professional. The image doesn't necessarily need to be a head shot, it can be you, in your work environment. Here, potential clients get a taste of where you work and what you do.
+Karen Carestia - in her pharmacy
+Rich Wyman - silhouetted w/piano against a large crowd.
(I did not take the above mentioned Linked In photos. They are, however, great examples!)
As you look to put your best face forward to improve your business image, consider hiring a professional photographer. After all, a picture speaks a thousand words.
Contact Park City Photographers today. 435-513-3814
+deb dekoff +Rob Follett
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