Saturday, December 28, 2013

Retouched or not? You decide.

 During a shoot, I often show people their images - pointing out little things that can "help" them achieve the final image that they want.  I talk about body position, hair strands, showing teeth, or smiling with their eyes.    But the image, SOC - Straight out of the Camera - is generally a little different than what I'll show you after processing. 

Above photo: no retouching. 

Take a look:
The first image is SOC.  There is no retouching - this is how it was shot.  
This second image has undergone some retouching - but no photoshop. 

Simply, her face was made lighter and brighter, as were her eyes and her teeth.  The slight darkness under her eyes is gone, as is the small blemish near her eyebrow.  A slight silhouetting of the image enhanced it even further, bringing your eyes to her face.

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